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CHRIST'S COMMUNITY CHURCH (CCC) began in the Lamar Housing Projects of Memphis, TN in January 1999. Working with a non-profit teen ministry, Lemar Walker felt like he was catching fish and throwing them back because there was nothing that targeted the family. How could you tell children to do one thing when they were seeing something else modeled in the home? From this desire the church and its motto to provide the Good News of Christ to Strengthen Families and Empower Communities was born.


After seeing a child's report card that stated that the child was in the 3rd grade reading on the 1st grade level, our Study Buddy Tutoring Program began. 


When Lamar Terrace closed the members decided they wanted to continue meeting. CCC moved five times since its beginning, and now has a permanent home at 715 St. Paul. We believe firmly that where the Lord guides - He provides. So much so, that it is our endeavor as a body to never be in debt. How can we help each other or the community if we are in bondage with debt. Whom the Son sets free, is free indeed. We believe that freedom is spiritual, emotional, and financial. 


We believe for everything the body of Christ needs, there is someone within the body equipped to fill that need. We believe God does this so we will be dependent on Him and dependent on each other. Everything that we do as a body is to be done so that it points to CHRIST and builds up the community.         


© 2015 by CHRIST'S COMMUNITY CHURCH. All rights reserved.

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